- Friday, March 14, 2025
Southern California Trails
- Socal(290)
- -> Los Angeles County(114)
- -> Northridge/Porter Ranch(1)
- -> Limeklin Canyon
Limeklin Canyon - #LimeklinCanyon
Socal - Los Angeles County - Northridge/Porter Ranch NickNames: #LimeklinCanyon
Take the 118 FRWY east (i think - towards simi valley) and exit on Tampa. Turn right off the frwy and head north on tampa untill it dead ends in the foothills (Cross street of seasnon) Park in the cul-de-sac at the end of Tampa. Ride west on Sesnon to the top of the hill and the trailhead is right next to the mailbox. The trail is an awesome 2.5 mile descent with steep downhills and stream corssings. I have seen 3 deer while i was riding - TRUELY amazing!!! Thomas Guide page 480 G6
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- Trail UpdateLimekiln Canyon-It has now probably been two years since City of L.A. Recreation and Parks put up the no bikes allowed signs on the upper part of Limekiln Canyon (between Rinaldi and Sesnon). Lower Limekiln, between Rinaldi and Devonshire, is still open.
old gringoa 62 year old
- Trail UpdateYon Mtwy To Browns Canyon-So I was looking for Limeklin Canyon singletrack, but ended up with a fire road climb and some other singletrack. Parked at Moonshine Canyon Park, rode the trail north of Sesnon toward the east. Behind a housing tract, I followed a singletrack around a SoCal gas gate and up a fire road I later looked-up as Yon Mtwy. Rode this up to another SoCal gas gate where I turned around. Saw two spur singletracks that looked enticing, so I took the one down about 1/2 mile from the gate. It dropped down into a canyon, crossed a small creek then climbed a bit out to a plateau where it intersected another singletrack coming down from a hill on the left. Kept going straight on a quick, semi-technical descent. Trail became more and more overgrown- definitely could use some trailwork. Several sections looked like horse trails in that there are small chutes to ride though. Met two hikers a trail junction which I learned also connected to Moonshine Park on another singletrack if I climbed back up the hill. I continued down though this canyon following a creek and eventually came down to a paved road (Browns Canyon Road). Followed this down to a 1-lane bridge then up a hill and down a hill to the 118 freeway. Rode Rinaldi to Porter Ranch Dr and back 2 miles up the hill to the park.
Steve K a 23 year old Racer riding a Giant Trance X3 from Cal Poly- San Luis ObispoPosted:07/11/2010
- Trail UpdateLimekiln Erosion-The part of the trail that had been washed out by last year's rains is even more eroded now. It is approximately 1/2 mile south of the bridge that goes over the canyon. If you are going north (climbing), you can easily see it. If you are going south, you need to take it slowly and dismount. People have tried to put branches and other objects on the trail as a warning but someone keeps removing them. There has been some work on the north end of the canyon to remove burned trees. The trail has been altered in that area so be careful.
old gringoa 57 year old Cross-Country Rider
- Trail UpdateLimekiln Washout-There is a bad washout of the trail about 100 yards north of the third stream crossing from the Rinaldi trail head. It looks like trees fell into the stream which diverted the flow right into the side of the bank. If you are headed north, you can see it. If you are going south, watch out.
old gringoa 56 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Ellsworth Truth
- Trail UpdateLimekiln-Since the last post by DS, L.A. Recreation and Parks has closed the top part of the trail by placing barricades at Sesnon and about .6 mile south. It was a very nice place to ride.
Old Gringo a 56 year oldPosted:11/01/2008
- Trail UpdateChar-kiln-The upper half of the canyon south of seasnon was burned up pretty bad. The trail north of seasnon heading into moonshine canyon is completely scorched. Rode there wednesday evening and the soot smell is still very strong. A little bit of rain will help out a lot.
Dirtshark99a 46 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a bike
- Trail UpdateLimekiln-The City has replaced the dirt bridge over the creek. Limekiln is good to go.
old gringoa 55 year old
- Trail UpdateLimekiln-Just when they were about to clean up the last of the trees, the rains hit. The dirt bridge at the south end of the trail is out so Rec. and Parks put up caution tape and closed the whole canyon. Don't hold your breath waiting for it to re-open.
old gringoa 55 year old
- Trail UpdateWind Damage-Wow was this trail hit hard by the wind. There are multiple LARGE pine trees down in the begining section just north of Rinaldi. We're talking large mature pine trees completely uprooted. The trail is blocked in two places but can be easily bypassed. I rode it at night without a problem. Its worth taking a look just to see how strong the Northridge winds can get.
- Trail UpdateLimekiln-I was there yesterday (11/13). Both sections are in great shape.
old gringoa 55 year old
- Trail Updateany update on this trail? how is the stretch between rinaldi and sesnon? Also the stretch north of sesnon?
mw818a 18 year old
- Trail UpdateI've been riding this trail at night at least once a week for a while now. Its a good quick and easy workout. The part Gringo was talking about on the lower half of this ride has now been fenced off. It seems safe for now. The upper section of this ride that starts on Tampa and Sesnon is in good condition. Its a single track that leads to a fire road which will take you to Mormon Cyn/Oat mtn area. The fire road was just graded and is in good condition. I saw a group of about eight guys heading up it last night as I was coming down. Nice to see its getting some traffic.
- Trail UpdateLimekiln-The severely eroded section about half way up the canyon is closed and will soon be fenced off, according to LA City people. Engineers are supposed to take a look to see if there is any remedy for the erosion. If not, that part of the trail will be permanently closed.
old gringoa 53 year old
- Trail UpdateThe first bridge/water crossing north of Rinaldi is really starting to fall apart. I rode it on Wed 3/8 and it looked even worse than two weeks before when I was there. It might just go if we get a heavy rainfall over the weekend.
Dirtsharka 43 year old Cross-Country Rider
- Trail UpdateLimekiln-A big thank you to whoever went through the canyon and marked some of the deteriorating sections of the road with red paint. The heavy rains caused severe erosion along the creek bed and parts of the asphalt road are about to fall. This a good ride but there are hazards to avoid.
Gringoa 52 year old
- Trail UpdateRode this trail 8/10 in the evening. xlnt condition between Rinaldi and Sesnon. The upper part above sesnon heading back toward mormon cyn is becoming overgrown a bit. Dropped down into mormon and it had some good sized ruts but nothing you can't dab by. Lots of poison oak! Came out via Browns cyn
Dirtsharka 43 year old Cross-Country Rider
- Trail UpdateThanks For The Yard Work-Big thanks to whoever cleaned this place up. The trail has been trimmed up tight between Rinaldi and Sesnon. We promise to keep it clean. Thank you!
sabbathua 33 year old riding a Trek Hardtail from Mission Hills
- Trail UpdateLimeklin-That big tree that fell over the trail has been cut and moved.Thanks to the one who did that. Trail is back to normal. I was out there on 4/18
- Trail UpdateLimekiln-I rode Limekiln on 4/7. There is a big pine tree down about .4m north of Rinaldi. Otherwise, the trail is in pretty good shape. The bridge is really thin and there are a few ruts here and there.
Gringoa 52 year old
- Trail UpdateLimeklin Canyon-I rode for the first time in a month on 1/22 and wow has the trail been eroded. It is still rideable but for newbie's like me, you got to be aware the whole time your on it.
- Trail UpdateLimekiln-I rode Limekiln today. There is no sink hole but the
first bridge has been eroded even more. In
addition, there are two downed pine trees on the
trail between Rinaldi and the bridge. The first
stream crossing is too deep to ride. The is a great
deal of mud and erosion in other parts of the
Ride rating: Novice
Ride distance: 18 miles Elevation change: not much
Gringo a 52 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Ellsworth Isis from ChatsworthPosted:01/12/2005
- Trail UpdateLimekiln Canyon-I went back to Limekiln on 12/31 and did not see a
sink hole. The first bridge north of Rinaldi has
been severely eroded by the recent storms so use
caution. The second stream crossing has also
been altered by the storms and wasn't rideable.
Gringo a 52 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Ellsworth Isis from ChatsworthPosted:01/01/2005
- Trail UpdateLimekiln-I was in Limekiln on 12/29 and didn't see the sink
hole. If the first bridge is in need of repair, based
on ten years of past experience, L.A. City
Recreation and Parks won't get around to doing it
until May or June. Realistically, it doesn't make
sense to repair the bridge if the rainy season
hasn't ended. Calls to Councilman Greig Smith's
office (ask for Diane) will expedite the process.
Gringo a 52 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Ellsworth Isis from ChatsworthPosted:12/31/2004
- Trail UpdateLimeklin Canyon - Northridge/Por-great ride but i had one concern. the first bridge crossing had a giant sink hole. does anyone know if the hole has grown or has been repaired? please update. id really like to go on the ride again. thanks
a Racer riding a specialized expert from granada hills, caPosted:12/30/2004
- Trail UpdateLimeklin Canyon - Porter Ranch-Great ride for the novice mountain biker. Exiting the 118 fwy at Tampa, head north toward Rinaldi and head west onto Rinaldi (left). Park on Rinaldi between Tampa and Corbin. The trail from this point is just shy of 2 miles up to Sesnon, just shy of 4 miles on a round trip. From Rinaldi the ride is a steady, but not to steep ascent to Sesnon. The ride up the trail has many downhills that make for an enjoyable ride up. There are only four hills that require work, but with time they will become fairly easy to climb. Once at the top, you are now ready for the ride back down the trail. You will be rewarded with an all downhill fun ride. On the way down, be careful once passing under the bridge. There is a mound of dirt that covers a pipe, and if taken on left side, one can get pretty some pretty good air time. A great little ride with a light work out.
Ride distance: 4 miles Elevation change:
Adrian a 15 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Diamond Back from SylmarPosted:07/03/2004
- Trail UpdateBridge Out-The dirt bridge that went over the first stream
crossing north of Rinaldi was washed out by the
recent rains. You can carry your bike across at that
point and the next crossing until Recreation and
Parks makes the repairs (probably in the spring).
Gringo a 50 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Gary Fisher Paragon from ChatsworthPosted:01/01/2003
- Trail UpdateLimekiln - Horse Flats-Horse Flats = Olive Grove. See posting #14. They're west of Moonshire Canyon, east/south of Mormon Canyon. "Moonshine Canyon" doesn't go along Moonshine Canyon, but rather along foothill base betweeen Limekiln and Moonshine. The road to Horse Flats is the one you saw at the grove just above the debris collector behind the condos above Rinaldi. The trail to Horse Flats leaves the fireroad on the left and cross upper reaches of Moonshine Cyn. There's a corral at the "olive grove". Mormon Canyon, a privately maintained equestrian trail is behind there. Another way to get from Horse Flats to Browns Canyon is to go southwest (toward the city) up a ridge that looks like a giant take off ramp. From top of "ramp", where there's a cattle gate, it goes down, sandy, rocky, fire road along dry creek, coming out in back yards along Browns Canyon. BTW, Horse Flats on one map also covered the area along Sesnon where all the houses and condos now stand. Saw herd of sheep along there 5+ years ago, preRenaissance Estates etc. There's a back way to the water tank you saw , but now you'd have to go through the S&S equipment yard behind the Renaissance Homes. From there to Horse Flats is possible, but mostly by carrying or pushing your bike, up or along cliffs.
Mike a 51 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a univega city/countryPosted:09/13/2002
- Trail UpdateLimeklin Canyon/Moonshine Canyon-I took Limeklin Canyon from Tampa/Chatsworth all the way up to Tampa/Sesnon. Great ride, tons of bird and lizards, if your into that. After passing Rinaldi going north, I noticed that the concrete and dirt bridge is in very good condition. There are several smaller stream crossings that arent as great, but if your your a strong bunny hopper, it shouldnt be a problem. From Sesnon, I took Moonshine Canyon heading west and back down Porter Ranch Drive. Hopped the bent chain link fence at the dead end (not a big obstacle for anybody, and took Mission trail back into Tampaland (which is great for BMX). Moonshine Canyon had some very fresh tire tracks, but I also noticed that its also getting soft and sandy, which I really dont like. But I guess the horses appreciate it much more.
Off of Moonshine Canyon when you come to a great resting tree youll see a water collection concrete wash (also great for BMX). To the right of the resting tree is a dirt road gate. The fence to the left of the gate is bent down and easily accessable. On mapquest, it shows that this road easily leads into what I believe are the horse flats.
Here is my question. Where are the Horse flats. At Tampa and Sesnon there are several trails and Im just wondering where they go. The first one east of the Gas Co. guard house and at the very end of Tampa curves east. The trail dumps off into a culdesac (Mirkirk Dr) with another trail starting on the other side. Using mapquest I noticed that the trail leads off into Sesnon Canyon south of Aliso Canyon. I noticed that higher up the hill a winding dirt road. From the Mirkirk Dr trail can you catch link up to this trail if you press hard up hill? I noticed from arial shots on mapquest that this winding trails also leads down into Limeklin Canyon Dr (which is a private road, owned by the Gas Company). If you take the trail north it will lead to what looks like a large tank on top of a hill. Down the hill on the north side looks like a grove of trees. Is this the Olive Grove trail mentioned before?
A west of the Gas Co. guard house is a sign showing Moonshine Canyon and Limeklin Canyon and three trails.
The one on the far right takes you to fenced up dead end, but if you hop up a small dirt ridge there is an opening in the fence. Whats up with this trail? I was kinda intimidated because I know those utility companies are pretty serious about trespassing.The middle trail starts off with a steep climb and two signs are posted indicating private property. Is it cool to bike there?
And finally the one on the far left is Moonshine Canyon which is what I took. That trail was OK. But naturally I had more interest on the other trails.
Why is there only one trail available and signs indicating two separate trails?
Where is the Olive Grove Trail? Where are the horse flats? Where are the old oil fields? I can see a whole mess of trails on mapquest a little further north?
If you go north on Sesnon/Porter Ranch D. I can see that a trail leads to what looks like a water tank. Can you still go up to the water tank? And take the trail into Browns Canyon?
Thats about it. I'm mostly curious about public/private property. The Oat Mountain, Olive Grove Trail, Oil Fields and the Horse Flats are probably what I guess just takes simple exploring. Oh yea, I forgot where exactly are the Indian caves with writings on the wall? I guess thats alot further west off of Topanga Canyon. Thats probably a whole nother area of exploration. Anyways happy riding!
Ride rating: Novice
Ride distance: 6-7 miles Elevation change:
Singletrack=55% Dirt Road=40% Paved Path=4% Truck Trail=1%
Allen Azali a 22 year old Weekend Warrior riding a Specialized Rockhopper FSR comp from Northridge, CAPosted:09/10/2002
- Trail UpdateLimekiln Canyon-Great idea on the trail work. Count me in.
Gringo a 49 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Gary Fisher Paragon from Chatsworth .ca.usPosted:07/12/2002
- Trail UpdateMoonshine-I've tried to explore Moonshine Cyn. We need to do some serious trail maintenance. It would make a great loop if we could hook it up with Limekiln. Now that they have plowed everything west of Porter Ranch, we need a new ride.
- Trail UpdateMoonshine-Moonshine canyon is the canyon that is underneath the bridge due east of the intersection of Porter Ranch Drive and Sesnon. The trail goes about 700yards south then Dead ends. It also goes north a little bit, but I don't recall how far. The north half is mainly equestrian traffic.
Robert F. a 18 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Rockpounder from ChatsworthPosted:07/04/2002
- Trail UpdateMoonshine-Moonshine Canyon is just east of the park which is
on the southeast corner of Sesnon and Porter
Ranch Drive. I haven't ridden it for many years and
it was tough back then. There is a trail
(equestrian?) that starts at the east end of the park
and goes underneath the bridge. It used to go
south and then east from there and eventually end
up in Limekiln just a little north of Wilbur. Happy
Gringo a 49 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Gary Fisher Paragon from ChatsworthPosted:06/28/2002
- Trail UpdateMoonshine Canyon?-At the top of Limekiln Canyon is a sign that indicates Moonshine Canyon is to the west. I think that must be the Canyon just before you get to Porter Ranch Drive when heading west on Sesnon. But there doesn't appear to be a trail there? Was there once a trail there? Am I looking in the wrong place?
- Trail UpdateLimekiln Canyon-The dirt bridge over the first stream crossing north
of Rinaldi is back but the second crossing is
impossible. The creek bed is very deep and there
are too many rocks. The rest of the ride is okay
although there seem to be many more hikers and
horses than there were in the past.
Gringo a 49 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Gary Fisher Paragon from ChatsworthPosted:06/03/2002
- Trail UpdateLimekiln Canyon-The recent rains have wiped out the dirt bridge that
crossed the stream closest to Rinaldi and
deepened the second crossing to the point that it's
not ridable. If you don't mind walking across the
stream it's still a nice ride. A couple of mud
puddles higher up.
Zaskarguy a 49 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a GT Zaskar LE from ChatsworthPosted:12/07/2001
- Trail UpdateI live two blocks from this trail and ride it often. They have recently mowed the long weeds/grass that was growing all over the place. They have also graded the trail in a few places and repaired the two lower stream crossings. At the first wide crossing, they installed two large pipes and filled over them with dirt so you can now just ride across it like a road. (you can still cross in the water if you like) They also dumped a load of gravel onto the second stream crossing so you can ride over this as well without getting wet. It looks like they did these things to help hikers, there has been tons of activity on this trail latelty with many many hikers and bicyclists using the trail. Maybe I will see you there sometime!
John a 37 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a GT Pantera, XTR, CrossMax, Raceface Next LP from Northridge .comPosted:06/19/2001
- Trail UpdateLimekiln-This trail was recently destroyed by LA Co. bulldozers in an attempt to make it safer (yeah right). Be real careful, dirt piles blocking the trail have appeared out of nowhere!
Robert F. a 16 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Rockpounder from ChatsworthPosted:07/11/2000
- Trail UpdateLimekiln Canyon-Go West on the 118 freeway and get off at Tampa. Go North until Ranaldi. Make a left turn.
Go about 300-400 feet to the trail head. It's on your right hand side. Go down this wide concrete path until it turns to dirt keep going. After you pass the lunch area you will see a creek. Be prepared to carry your bike over. It's about 20 feet and there is a log to walk across but it's real wet. After that stick on the dirt road. You'll come up to a road again. Race across to the continuation of the trail on the other side.It's a great ride.
Singletrack=5% Dirt Road=5% Paved Path=10% Truck Trail=80%
Robert a 15 year old Die-hard Enthusiast riding a Specilized RockPounder from Chatsworth CAPosted:01/27/1999
- Trail UpdateLimeklin Canyon-To the north of Rinaldi there is a gate on to an old decaying oil field road. Follow it all the way up to Sesnon. A beautiful ride with lots of trees and a nearby stream. The barriers at the bridge construction are gone. There is much storm damage but it is still quite passable. There is usually much foot traffic so be courteous. WORD OF CAUTION: if you like to descend from the top first, be cautious if you have not been there since the rains. What was formerly two lane asphalt is now wide single track with 20 foot shear drops into the stream.
Singletrack=10% Dirt Road=70% Paved Path=20%
Robert Miller a 42 year old Weekend Warrior riding a GT LTS-1 from Sylmar, CAPosted:03/03/1998
- Trail UpdateAdam-Watch out for rattlesnakes (on the singletrack), and please do not try to make new jumps or remodel old ones.
Singletrack=20% Dirt Road=60% Paved Path=20%
Adam Dellalian a 15 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Cannondale CAAD3 XC from Van NuysPosted:10/26/1997
- Trail UpdateOlive Grove Trail-From the top of Sesnon, go north on a dirt road across a small flat, then turn left (west) in a grove of walnut trees. Continue up this road past a few curves and a moderate climb followed by a flat stretch. At the end of the flat, a trail leaves the road and heads west. This junction is often marked by a duck (pile of rocks).
The trail descends to the west, crosses a creek, then climbs to the south. When the trail bends west again, you enter a broad, grassy saddle between two hills. Past this saddle, descend to a flat with many horse trails, a corral, and a grove of olive trees. On the west edge of the flat the trail turns south and follows Mormon Canyon all the way down to Brown's Canyon Road, which returns to the San Fernando Valley at DeSoto and the 118 Fwy.
If you parked at the top of Tampa, the easiest way back is to take the Mission Trail, which parallels the 118 Fwy. on it's south side. Start at DeSoto one light south of the 118 Fwy. Go east from DeSoto and continue on the Mission Trail until you reach Corbin Ave. (a bridge over the freeway near a very large church). Cross the freeway to the north and go right on Rinaldi. Make a left on Tampa and ride back to the top.
IMPORTANT NOTE: This trail is heavily used by equestrians (horsey-back riders), so use caution around blind corners, and remember to be courteous and friendly. Horses become nervous and dangerous when confronted by jerks!
Singletrack=70% Dirt Road=20% Paved Path=10%
Tom Kenney a 29 year old Cross-Country Rider riding a Klein Pinnacle from Reseda, CA URL:Tom's PagePosted:07/09/1997
- Trail UpdateThe trail is an awesome 2.5 mile descent with steep downhills and stream corssings. I have seen 3 deer while i was riding - TRUELY amazing!!!>
Singletrack=29% Dirt Road=55% Paved Path=5%
kyle a 15 year old Downhiller riding a intense and parkpre from so cal URL:Kyles DH PAGEPosted:06/22/1997